Friday, September 19, 2008

FND and Mamainse Point

School starts and this blog gets boring. Typical.

Notre Dame week and prepping for no less than TWO research projects. And working all the while. The only interesting (read: unpredictable) events are SMB gigs and my knee, neither of which are interesting enough to post about.

So, 9 am rehearsal tomorrow and bed as soon as the laundry's done.

Later, homies.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a great game! I got to see two shots of the trombone section on ABC's coverage. Once, I swear the camera was on the ND band which was not playing, yet the audio had music. Why weren't they pointing the camera at the SMB!?!

I watched the nd/um game the week before and the coverage definitely seems to have a ND bias. Oh well, the final score tells it all!

Anonymous said...

Pooh - if the ND game you saw was on NBC, then yes, it will have that bias. NBC is also known as the "Notre Dame Broadcasting Corp", as they have a long-term contract with ND to broadcast the ND home games. Away game for ND tend to be on other networks.

Anonymous said...

I think it was ABC.