Back from the field on time today! Today was part 1 of a two day field mapping project. The only comment I will make about it is that agates are present in the Quaternary wash. No surprise, since we were finding them in southern Utah washes back in March, but still cool to come across.
Still haven't mailed myself the shots from my cell phone, but here are a few other fun pictures from the last three days!

This is the Chateau Apres. Hoity-toity-sounding name, no? This has been the site of the Wasatch-Uinta field camp for about 40 years now, and according to the directors, hasn't changed much in that time. It's in very good condition and considerably more modest than most of the places around here. Food's pretty decent as well. We carry sandwiches into the field, and one must be downstairs by 6:20 am to get the sandwiches you prefer!

This was taken at about 10000 feet.

I'm estimating, so for all I know I'm 1000 ft off one way or the other. This is looking back toward SLC and Park City. This is from Empire Pass.
Huge oysters in Jurassic age sandstones. Frontier Fm. This one is about 9 inches long and apparently these get up to one foot long! That's some serious aphrodisiac.

This was making everyone nervous yesterday. We had the cold air mass that produced the snow this morning forming those clouds and a decent amount of rain for the climate here, and there were heading directly for us. The system was producing strong, chilly headwinds that were pretty much cancelling out any warmth we were getting from the sun at that point (a considerable amount!).
Just a neat shot during a break from today's mapping.
Stinky boot garden after our triumphant return!
cooool!! i want to do those things
im not seeing a 9 inch long fossil...... liar!
Sheesh, a *new* blog and you've been getting SPAM comments already?
Good luck, and see if Akismet is available to you!!
RE Momster:
I think it was because I used that lame oyster/aphrodisiac joke, and the spam bots probably look for crap like that.
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