No info on offer, and there's a provisional status appended. We'll see what I can dig up when I go visit tomorrow. I'm still not fully packed. Yay getting up 90 minutes before go-time and already having the car gassed up/loaded with food.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Numba Three
No info on offer, and there's a provisional status appended. We'll see what I can dig up when I go visit tomorrow. I'm still not fully packed. Yay getting up 90 minutes before go-time and already having the car gassed up/loaded with food.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Next Two Weeks
So . . . welcome to my next two weeks. Mom says I need a twin. I've always wanted one. I think I've proven my point. Things have been made infinitely more complicated because the Mystery Rock Room User Who Doesn't Clean Properly didn't clean properly again and as a result everyone's keys have been voided and the undergrads who are not employed IN the lab (I am a University employee, but as a TA, so I don't get any special passes for my unpaid research) must check out a key every time we have to use it. All of my samples-in-progress sit in there, as well as the oven that I once could regularly access to dry my samples. MAJOR pain in the arse.
Monday I have class, lab, and Brass rehearsal. Nothing too bad. Must check out a key to the rock room and get at least part of a sample cut. Either that or re-powder the sample I did a rough powder job on today.
Tuesday sees one class. After class, I have to check out a key to the rock room and cut till lunch, then I'm off to work for the remainder of the afternoon. Probably going out to buy something to wear to Huddle (since apparently I've grown in the last year, and thankfully in the upper body rather than the belly) and a GPS in preparation for my upcoming campus visits. Probably also getting some time in on geophysics homework.
Wednesday brings morning class, an afternoon joyously spent cutting rocks (who wants to bet the office ladies are going to be sick of me checking out a key every day!) until geophysics lab. Last week's lab is also due this day, which isn't a big deal since it's 95% done and all I have left is to finish programming the Excel spreadsheet that goes with it.
Thursday, I go to class, find something to do (rock lab?) for two hours, then to discussion lab where I present on the Mars Odyssey mission, then work, then quick dinner maybe, then Brass gig in the evening, then geophysics homework and studying for environmental geosciences exam.
Friday is glorious. Morning class again, starting off the day with the environmental geochemistry exam. After that, geophysics homework is due. After that, I wheedle a rock room key out of the office ladies again, and try further to keep the key for the weekend. Head down to the rock room, cut/dry/crush/powder samples till it's time for the research meeting. Research meeting, go out to dinner with the research group -1 (One will be in Wyoming this weekend on a campus visit).
Saturday I wear two hats, thankfully not at the same time. Saturday I find a way, devious or not, into the rock room and finish anything I wasn't able to finish during the week. Possibly even fuse samples, which will require further wheedling of keys from . . . someone. Or having someone around who has the proper keys. Then I have to build in enough time to neaten up enough to pass a visual inspection at Huddle, which should be a FINE evening of socializing with the marching band types. Not too much different than usual except that we're all eating non-cafeteria or KFC-type food while together as a large group, and we're all wearing (*gasp*) formalwear. So yeah, running the gamut from scrubby lab clothing to wearing nice things, then back to semi-scrubby as post-Huddle partying commences. Goal is to have a good time, but not too much fun as . . .
Sunday finds me in lab again. If I don't fuse samples Saturday, I fuse the next day, because I HAVE to have XRF preliminary data before February 27th, which is next week. O_O
So Monday, samples are run through XRF. If we put them in sometime in the morning, I should have data by sometime in the afternoon. Commence hurried abstract writing. Also attend classes.
Tuesday. Class. Just one. Whew. More hurried abstract writing. Work. Dinner. More hurried abstract writing into the wee hours of the morning.
Wednesday. Get up early, put gas in the car, and head to Bowling Green State University to go check out their geology department. Have a good time. Sleep . . . somewhere. Probably abstract edits thrown in there somewhere. Communicate in stressed, terse statements/outbursts via e-mail with the advisor. Celtic temper flares on both ends of the connection.
Thursday - Get up early, put gas in the car, drive to Champaign, IL. Spend two days visiting the University of Illinois geology department and catching up with field camp friends.
Friday? See above. Submission deadline for that research poster thing that I have to do as a condition of my research grant.
Saturday - either heading back to East Lansing, or spending another day in Champaign, depending on what I get talked into. Depending on if I want to do 8 hours at once or kip in Chicago with kin or old friend, I travel 4 or 8 hours.
Sunday - either driving or resting back in East Lansing.
Monday - Back to the grind. Tweak abstract if needed for AGU deadline. Get gear ready for Spring Break. (Or Brake. Activity-wise, pretty much putting the lab work, homework, and studying to a complete, refreshing standstill.) Can't plan further than this.
And yes, this stuff is already planned out almost to the minute. Pathetic. Or OCD. Not sure which. Time for a shower so I can watch the rest of this show on the San Andreas Fault, even though I probably know more about it than the History Channel does. Well, they have cool photos from the 1906 SF quake, anyway.
Monday I have class, lab, and Brass rehearsal. Nothing too bad. Must check out a key to the rock room and get at least part of a sample cut. Either that or re-powder the sample I did a rough powder job on today.
Tuesday sees one class. After class, I have to check out a key to the rock room and cut till lunch, then I'm off to work for the remainder of the afternoon. Probably going out to buy something to wear to Huddle (since apparently I've grown in the last year, and thankfully in the upper body rather than the belly) and a GPS in preparation for my upcoming campus visits. Probably also getting some time in on geophysics homework.
Wednesday brings morning class, an afternoon joyously spent cutting rocks (who wants to bet the office ladies are going to be sick of me checking out a key every day!) until geophysics lab. Last week's lab is also due this day, which isn't a big deal since it's 95% done and all I have left is to finish programming the Excel spreadsheet that goes with it.
Thursday, I go to class, find something to do (rock lab?) for two hours, then to discussion lab where I present on the Mars Odyssey mission, then work, then quick dinner maybe, then Brass gig in the evening, then geophysics homework and studying for environmental geosciences exam.
Friday is glorious. Morning class again, starting off the day with the environmental geochemistry exam. After that, geophysics homework is due. After that, I wheedle a rock room key out of the office ladies again, and try further to keep the key for the weekend. Head down to the rock room, cut/dry/crush/powder samples till it's time for the research meeting. Research meeting, go out to dinner with the research group -1 (One will be in Wyoming this weekend on a campus visit).
Saturday I wear two hats, thankfully not at the same time. Saturday I find a way, devious or not, into the rock room and finish anything I wasn't able to finish during the week. Possibly even fuse samples, which will require further wheedling of keys from . . . someone. Or having someone around who has the proper keys. Then I have to build in enough time to neaten up enough to pass a visual inspection at Huddle, which should be a FINE evening of socializing with the marching band types. Not too much different than usual except that we're all eating non-cafeteria or KFC-type food while together as a large group, and we're all wearing (*gasp*) formalwear. So yeah, running the gamut from scrubby lab clothing to wearing nice things, then back to semi-scrubby as post-Huddle partying commences. Goal is to have a good time, but not too much fun as . . .
Sunday finds me in lab again. If I don't fuse samples Saturday, I fuse the next day, because I HAVE to have XRF preliminary data before February 27th, which is next week. O_O
So Monday, samples are run through XRF. If we put them in sometime in the morning, I should have data by sometime in the afternoon. Commence hurried abstract writing. Also attend classes.
Tuesday. Class. Just one. Whew. More hurried abstract writing. Work. Dinner. More hurried abstract writing into the wee hours of the morning.
Wednesday. Get up early, put gas in the car, and head to Bowling Green State University to go check out their geology department. Have a good time. Sleep . . . somewhere. Probably abstract edits thrown in there somewhere. Communicate in stressed, terse statements/outbursts via e-mail with the advisor. Celtic temper flares on both ends of the connection.
Thursday - Get up early, put gas in the car, drive to Champaign, IL. Spend two days visiting the University of Illinois geology department and catching up with field camp friends.
Friday? See above. Submission deadline for that research poster thing that I have to do as a condition of my research grant.
Saturday - either heading back to East Lansing, or spending another day in Champaign, depending on what I get talked into. Depending on if I want to do 8 hours at once or kip in Chicago with kin or old friend, I travel 4 or 8 hours.
Sunday - either driving or resting back in East Lansing.
Monday - Back to the grind. Tweak abstract if needed for AGU deadline. Get gear ready for Spring Break. (Or Brake. Activity-wise, pretty much putting the lab work, homework, and studying to a complete, refreshing standstill.) Can't plan further than this.
And yes, this stuff is already planned out almost to the minute. Pathetic. Or OCD. Not sure which. Time for a shower so I can watch the rest of this show on the San Andreas Fault, even though I probably know more about it than the History Channel does. Well, they have cool photos from the 1906 SF quake, anyway.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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